Pro­duc­tion of Knowl­edge in E-En­vi­ron­ment in New Media De­sign Area

Session Title:

New Media Art Education in Central and Eastern Europe in the Last Two Decades: experiments and transition

Presentation Title:

Pro­duc­tion of Knowl­edge in E-En­vi­ron­ment in New Media De­sign Area



Panel: New Media Art Education in Central and Eastern Europe in the Last Two Decades: experiments and transition

In the In­ter­net there are di­verse in­sti­tu­tions of knowl­edge pro­duc­tion. In ad­di­tion to aca­d­e­mic pro­jects of dis­tance learn­ing there are enough in­for­mal learn­ing pro­jects or­gan­ised by vir­tual com­mu­nity (in­for­mal in­sti­tu­tions of knowl­edge pro­duc­tion), arranged ac­cord­ing to the ide­ol­ogy of edu­tain­ment. In­for­mal e-ed­u­ca­tional pro­jects are pro­vid­ing knowl­edge de­manded by the e-com­mu­nity (The­ory and prac­tice in Russ­ian, va­ri­ety of ed­u­ca­tional pro­jects re­alised within Live­jour­nal etc.). The pur­pose of the paper to look closer into the con­cep­tion and struc­ture of in­for­mal e-ed­u­ca­tional pro­jects and clar­ify the cor­re­la­tion and con­trasts with for­mal dis­tant learn­ing in the new media de­sign area. The goal of com­par­i­son is to see if e-ed­u­ca­tion should be re­or­gan­ised as it was in music and book in­dus­try within In­ter­net development.?As a case study it is planned to analyse the ex­pe­ri­ence of teach­ing into cross cul­tural dis­tant course on Vi­sual Com­mu­ni­ca­tion held at Eu­ro­pean Hu­man­i­ties Uni­ver­sity and In­sti­tute for Fash­ion Tech­nolo­gies/State Uni­ver­sity of New York as a re­sponse to the chal­lenges to for­mal (aca­d­e­mic) ed­u­ca­tion pro­vided through In­ter­net.

