Real-Time Com­po­si­tion, Real-Time No­ta­tion, Spec­tral Com­po­si­tion

Session Title:

Chasing Ghosts: Reactive Notation and Extreme Sight Reading

Presentation Title:

Real-Time Com­po­si­tion, Real-Time No­ta­tion, Spec­tral Com­po­si­tion



Panel:  Chasing Ghosts: Reactive Notation and Extreme Sight Reading

Schwer…un­heim­lich schwer (dif­fi­cult…in­cred­i­ble dif­fi­cult) is a piece for bass clar­inet, viola, piano and per­cus­sion about Ger­man Red Army Fac­tion mem­ber Ul­rike Mein­hof. It zooms into the mo­ment when she, in a TV in­ter­view, talks pub­licly about the fate of po­lit­i­cally ac­tive women and ex­presses the pos­si­bil­ity of leav­ing her chil­dren in order to pur­sue her in­ter­ests. In this piece, based on the tran­scrip­tion of Mein­hof’s speech and com­posed in real time by a com­puter (send­ing parts onto com­puter screens), the dif­fi­culty of ex­treme sight-read­ing, in­clud­ing mi­cro­tones and large leaps for viola and clar­inet as well as com­plex har­monies for marimba and piano, con­veys a sense of the dilemma that Mein­hof is clearly ex­pe­ri­enc­ing. The real-time com­po­si­tion was done with MaxS­core, a com­po­si­tion and no­ta­tion en­vi­ron­ment de­vel­oped by Nick Did­kovsky and the au­thor.

