“Redefining Social Good through Tactical Media: Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence” presented by Letić, Tilinger and Budžarov

Session Title:

Virtual (short papers)

Presentation Title:

Redefining Social Good through Tactical Media: Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Presentation Subtheme:

Speculative practices


In the contemporary landscape, the intersection of virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense promise for reshaping tactical media and its potential for societal impact. This paper explores the transformative potential of these technologies, unveiling innovative approaches to address societal challenges and redefine the notion of social good. Virtual reality, as a pervasive and immersive technology, presents new opportunities for tactical activism. The paper delves into existing instances where VR has been employed to engage the public effectively and raise awareness about critical social issues. Complementing the role of VR, artificial intelligence emerges as a catalyst for social goals. The paper investigates how AI contributes to data analysis, trend prediction, and personalized strategies for addressing societal challenges. The synergies between AI and tactical media are examined, evaluating how these technologies collectively enhance the efficacy of activism for social good. While highlighting the vast opportunities, the paper critically examines the challenges associated with integrating VR and AI into tactical media for social good. It discusses ethical considerations, technological constraints, and potential pitfalls, providing a comprehensive overview of the current landscape.

