Sensing Contemporary Mexican Art: Ariel Guzik’s Sonic Machines


Session Title:

  • Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Sensing Spaces and Places

Presentation Title:

  • Sensing Contemporary Mexican Art: Ariel Guzik’s Sonic Machines



  • This essay addresses sentience as engagement with sensorial immediacy with the non-human through the work of Mexican artist, Ariel Guzik. It discusses one of his sonic machines, Nereida, as an example of the overall focus of his overall practice, which interrelates the denaturalization of science with broader decolonization processes in ecology, and in particular concerning the degradation of oceanic environments in Mexico. From this perspective, the author argues for expanding art historical scholarship by engaging artistic practices, which like Guzik’s focus on critiques of science, as an integral part of contemporary ecological practices in global art, social movements, and indigenous thought.

