“SMARTJECT: Creative Delineationpractices of Human-Mediated Selforganization in Polylogic-Cooperative Cultures of Interactivity” presented by Russegger


Presentation Title:

  • SMARTJECT: Creative Delineationpractices of Human-Mediated Selforganization in Polylogic-Cooperative Cultures of Interactivity




  • The theory-model “Smartject” describes a new global type of human individuality, emerging through media- and communication technologies, net-mediated space, instantaneous information-streams and pervasive digital infrastructures. By adding the prefix “smart” to the suffixes of subject, object and project the term “Smartject” describes a new way of human knowledge-transformation by modeling the complexity of today’s media realities with smart and adaptive ability-profiles of individual self organization.

    This presentation is based on the research for my dissertation-thesis about creative delineation-processes in proto-social and proto-cultural fields of digital-media related art, media-theory and media-production in Europe, Japan and the USA. Within this short outline I want to point out some theoretical threats about near future-previews of mediacultures and “Networked Societies” (Castells, 2001). Triggered by communication- and media specific reality-shifts, new forms of “Cultural Programs” (Schmidt, 2003) have been created and established within a paradigm of digitally-networked and “vireal” (virtual/real­­) locative dispositions. In this case artistic projects and communities often play a key role as early adopting “Prototopes” and experimental test-environments within cultural development. The parameters can be observed through communication-based interdependencies between environmental-, artifact- and participant-structures. Under the perspective of liquefied, informational and dissipative net-virtualities, traditional “subject / object distinctions” are no longer arbitrative for the maintenance of communication processes. They rather (re-) assemble formations of human and non-human counterparts and thereby configure an exclusive internal- / external-relationship.

    These progressive movements are shifting the forms of human cooperation and transform the vectors of creative development. Hereby the model “Smartject” is specified through multiple individual ability-profiles and project-identities, under the conditions of information- and media technological transformations. Above all, these transformations are concerning the informational and social connectivities and commitments of humankind. This requirements are forcing endurable creative self-transformations of individuals and organizations within the rising complexity-fields of media environments. Within this vectors the type of the “creative” is more and more applied in cultural industries, knowledge work, self-design, etc. and increasingly is becoming a major role model for post-contemporary development-structures.

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