Technology Issues and the New ICTs

Session Title:

PRNMS Papers

Presentation Title:

Technology Issues and the New ICTs



The author provides examples of low-cost information and communications technologies (ICTs) and suggests five major strategies for their low-cost deployment in developing countries:

  1. appropriate technology,
  2. free/ open software,
  3. compulsory licensing,
  4. pay-per-use public stations and
  5. community/public ownership of ICT infrastructure.

Aside from the problems of affordability and universal access, the author identifes the Internet’s built-in biases for

  1. English,
  2. subsidizing globalization,
  3. automation and
  4. the technofix,

and explores the implications of these biases. The challenge is not only to design affordable and accessible technologies or to redesign technologies to be consistent with our deeply held values, but also to make ourselves less technology dependent.

