The City as Ludic In­ter­face: Vectors of Vireal Testlabs in Urban Mediatecture


Session Title:

  • Interface Play: Media Environments for Ludic Cyborgs

Presentation Title:

  • The City as Ludic In­ter­face: Vectors of Vireal Testlabs in Urban Mediatecture




  • Panel:  Interface Play: Media Environments for Ludic Cyborgs

    The focus of this paper is the city as an as­sem­blage of in­fra­struc­tures, cul­tures, net­works, com­mu­ni­ties and peo­ple. Ar­chi­tec­ture not only re­lies on build­ing ma­te­ri­als, but also en­com­passes a vir­tual frame­work that has emerged over the last decades and be­come a fun­da­men­tal part of the urban in­ter­face. Artis­tic pro­jects in pub­lic space are be­com­ing a core vec­tor of urban in­no­va­tion, by ex­per­i­men­tally fo­ment­ing new ways of ab­strac­tion and using the city in un­usual ways to pro­duce an un­fore­seen in­ter­min­gling of real and vir­tual space. It seems that the city it­self is be­com­ing the en­vi­ron­ment of choice for media ac­tivists. How the city is being turned into a ludic in­ter­face, a play­ful en­vi­ron­ment and media dis­po­si­tion, is ob­serv­able in sev­eral artis­tic move­ments and pro­jects that trans­form it into a stage and place it in a per­for­ma­tive frame­work. This paper will draw upon the CODED CUL­TURES fes­ti­val and the LUDIC IN­TER­FACES pro­ject and pre­sent ex­am­ples of new artis­tic prac­tices and abil­ity pro­files that use the city as a lab­o­ra­tory, ex­hi­bi­tion space, com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form or hack-space. It will use them to ex­em­plify a deep and crit­i­cal un­der­stand­ing of what code and cul­ture can be and out­line a broad in­ter­face de­f­i­n­i­tion.

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