The Eco­log­i­cal Value of Per­va­sive Media


Session Title:

  • Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture

Presentation Title:

  • The Eco­log­i­cal Value of Per­va­sive Media




  • Panel: Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture

    Dig­i­tal media has cre­ated an age of media plenty from the era of ana­logue scarcity the ex­ist­ing pat­terns of po­lit­i­cal econ­omy are being grad­u­ally desta­bilised. This pro­ject again brings aca­d­e­mic re­search meth­ods to bear on cul­tural in­dus­try case stud­ies to pro­duce knowl­edge about how the new gen­er­a­tion of web na­tive cre­atives will cre­ate sus­tain­able value net­works. New start-ups in dig­i­tal media are de­vel­op­ing new busi­ness mod­els rang­ing from tar­geted ad­ver­tis­ing, spon­sor­ship, prod­uct place­ment, sub­scrip­tion, re­tail, and ‘pay per play’ ap­pli­ca­tion mar­kets. These mod­els cross com­mer­cial and pub­lic sec­tors; some con­tinue ex­ist­ing pat­terns of media econ­omy, some are dis­tinc­tively new. How­ever the new con­di­tions of the dig­i­tal mar­ket char­ac­ter­ized by plenty as op­posed to ana­logue scarcity re­quire new ways of de­vel­op­ing sus­tain­able busi­nesses.

    This ex­per­tise is as yet very un­der­de­vel­oped es­pe­cially within the cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties that hold the keys to suc­cess­ful ap­pli­ca­tions and com­pelling con­tent. Per­va­sive Media can be thought of as a new field; com­mis­sion­ers, brands, clients, fund­ing bod­ies often have dif­fi­culty grasp­ing its po­ten­tial. Very few media pro­fes­sion­als, let alone mem­bers of the pub­lic, un­der­stand what Per­va­sive Media is, or could be­come. We are at a new fron­tier. The work of the Per­va­sive Media Stu­dio is un­der­pinned by the work of de­f­i­n­i­tion and tax­on­omy through a se­ries of ex­per­i­men­tal pro­duc­tions that begin to de­ter­mine what this new form of media de­liv­ery can be. At this pe­riod of de­vel­op­ment prac­ti­tion­ers from art, de­sign, and tech­nol­ogy find lit­tle time or com­mon ground to re­flect on their prac­tice. Aca­d­e­mic ex­per­tise in a knowl­edge ex­change con­text can fa­cil­i­tate this re­flec­tion out­side of the day to day con­straints of the mar­ket.
