The Exploratorium’s Invisible Dynamics Project: Environmental Research as Artistic Process


Session Title:

  • PRNMS Papers

Presentation Title:

  • The Exploratorium’s Invisible Dynamics Project: Environmental Research as Artistic Process



  • The Exploratorium’s Invisible Dynamics project seeks to manifest the inevitable and reciprocal relationship between art and science that is at the heart of the museum’s mission. An attempt to visualize invisible, often cartographic, systems in the San Francisco Bay Area, it places various elements of Bay Area life in a context that can then proportionally be used to relate San Francisco to the greater Pacific Rim in a similar scalar relationship. The paper analyzes one part in particular of the lnvisible Dynamics project-Hidden Ecologies, a photographic, cartographic
    collaboration between a micro-biologist and an architect. The flexibility between artistic and scientific processes is expressed by those involved in Hidden Ecologies as well as the “artists” of the other three projects that make up Invisible Dynamics.
