The Lan­guage of Per­va­sive Media


Session Title:

  • Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture

Presentation Title:

  • The Lan­guage of Per­va­sive Media




  • Panel: Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture

    There is an emer­gent lan­guage of Per­va­sive Media. A set of jar­gon, ver­nac­u­lar and de­scrip­tive terms that sur­round the pro­duc­tion of these new ex­pe­ri­ences is being gen­er­ated by the pro­duc­ers, de­sign­ers, artists, aca­d­e­mics, crit­ics and users that sur­round Per­va­sive Media. This has de­vel­oped in re­sponse to the lack of the cor­rectly nu­anced lan­guage in other media pro­duc­tion. This cur­rent re­search de­vel­ops work that was car­ried out dur­ing the Mo­bile Bris­tol pro­ject, where var­i­ous de­sign di­men­sions of mo­bile media were iden­ti­fied, such as so­cial­ity, place, or genre. Through work­shops with prac­ti­tion­ers and aca­d­e­mics based at the Per­va­sive Media Stu­dio the key con­cepts and the de­tails of the lan­guage that is used to de­scribe the ex­pe­ri­ence and pro­duc­tion of these pieces of per­va­sive media. At first a num­ber of ar­che­typal and suc­cess­ful pro­jects were ex­plored, get­ting peo­ple to ex­pe­ri­ence them and then dis­cuss them, often with the de­sign­ers and artists them­selves pre­sent. Fol­low­ing on from that a num­ber of key con­cepts were iden­ti­fied, such as play and space, and these were ex­am­ined more gen­er­ally and com­pared across pro­jects. This work is lead­ing to­wards the pro­duc­tion of a ‘Per­va­sive Media Cook­book’ that will pre­sent key pro­jects in per­va­sive media as well as a crit­i­cal look into the specifics that set Per­va­sive Media apart from other media ex­pe­ri­ences.
