The Loca­tive Ap­pa­ra­tus: From Sit­u­a­tion­ism to Com­po­si­tion­ism


Session Title:

  • Beyond Locative: Media Arts after the Spatial Turn

Presentation Title:

  • The Loca­tive Ap­pa­ra­tus: From Sit­u­a­tion­ism to Com­po­si­tion­ism




  • Panel: Beyond Locative: Media Arts after the Spatial Turn

    Loca­tive media of­fers to de­liver in­for­ma­tion con­tex­tu­ally, typ­i­cally con­ceived in terms of ge­o­graphic space. Loca­tive prac­tice had sought to play­fully re-im­age the city. As the loca­tive ap­pa­ra­tus has be­come wide­spread, the nov­elty of this man­ner­ist Sit­u­a­tion­ism has di­min­ished, yet it re­mains a use­ful con­cept for dig­i­tal artists and de­sign­ers to con­sider the prospect of every ob­ject on the planet as ad­dress­able and na­ture as a po­ten­tial site for their com­po­si­tions. Key ques­tions ad­dressed in this paper and by the panel as a whole is what comes after loca­tive media’s “spa­tial turn”? What might be the “next big thing” for net­worked prac­tice?  How might we image the net­worked city be­yond loca­tive media?
