“The Matter with Media: Error in Au­dio­vi­sual Ap­pa­ra­tus as Aes­thetic Value” presented by Schi­anchi


Session Title:

  • The Matter with Media

Presentation Title:

  • The Matter with Media: Error in Au­dio­vi­sual Ap­pa­ra­tus as Aes­thetic Value




  • Panel: The Matter with Media

    An error seems to be that which gets be­tween the ideal being and the real being; the error ap­pears to be a sin­gu­lar­ity, a Non-be­ing that trans­forms and dis­torts the Being. Au­dio­vi­sual tech­niques, tech­nolo­gies, de­vices and media try to sup­press er­rors; how­ever, an ide­o­log­i­cal and aes­thetic pos­si­bil­ity hides be­hind the use of er­rors. A fail­ure in an ap­pa­ra­tus pro­gram often sends back a faulty image or a sound which can­not be oth­er­wise con­ceived. Lim­its are blurred, and we are faced with the naked truth,with­out at­tires or pre­tenses. We re­ceive data, waves, and ex­posed in­for­ma­tion ac­cord­ing to an ar­ti­fi­cial mech­a­nism which con­stantly de­fines it­self in its errors. This is what makes an error unique, rev­o­lu­tion­ary and beau­ti­ful, and there lies its value. A short cir­cuit in an ap­pli­ance builds a new and un­pre­dictable world that is em­braced by the artis­tic field as one more aes­thetic el­e­ment.

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