The ‘Re­buntu’ Pro­ject and Thoughts Around Be­hav­ior and Po­si­tion of Mod­ern Op­er­at­ing Sys­tems


Session Title:

  • Don’t Anthropomorpise Me: Electronic Performance Tools, Automatons and The Vanity Apocalypse

Presentation Title:

  • The ‘Re­buntu’ Pro­ject and Thoughts Around Be­hav­ior and Po­si­tion of Mod­ern Op­er­at­ing Sys­tems




  • Panel: Don’t Anthropomorpise Me: Electronic Performance Tools, Automatons and The Vanity Apocalypse

    Any mod­ern com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem (OS) is de­signed with self-main­te­nance and self-sup­port fea­tures under the hood. OS mon­i­tors the health of hard­ware it runs on, ac­tiv­ity of ex­ter­nal pe­riph­ery, user input; it de­ter­mines the nec­es­sary pro­cess­ing and han­dles its own state. For ex­am­ple – in case of a se­vere error or over­load an OS can de­cide to re­boot a com­puter; other time, when user pro­gram uses too much mem­ory an OS would ter­mi­nate the program.?My in­ter­est here is to ex­plore be­hav­ior of OSes under dif­fer­ent con­di­tions and cir­cum­stances, ob­serve the meth­ods they uti­lize for self-main­te­nance, se­cu­rity and con­trol. Is User pro­gram prefer­able to Sys­tem process from the per­spec­tive of Linux ker­nel? Can one use an OS with­out ever leav­ing a trace in sys­tem logs? Does User im­pose ul­ti­mate con­trol over a run­ning OS or why the ‘shut­down’ com­mand some­times does not work?
