The Renegade or an Aesthetics of Resolution: A few thoughts on a techno-imaginative toolbox and its potential for digital art as -and beyond- critique

Session Title:

Evaluation and Valuation

Presentation Title:

The Renegade or an Aesthetics of Resolution: A few thoughts on a techno-imaginative toolbox and its potential for digital art as -and beyond- critique




Keywords: Art, algorithms, black box finance, resolution, renegade, dissent, insurrection, solidarity.

This paper traces the semantic field of the term resolution and its potential relevance in current techno-political discourse. Based on an artistic project engaged with the forensics of a market crash, I propose an approach – both artistic and political – for a radical material practice to (en)counter the black box of (automated) evaluation and decision-making. With an ambivalent, contingent and marginal figure at its heart – the renegade (a traitor inside and an educator outside systems) – it combines the varied meanings of the term resolution – from technology and visualization techniques and definitions; knowledge-production and decisionmaking; to discretionary competence and joint convention – to propose a multi-layered and transdisciplinary practice for rearranging (acting) against the “box.” By creating narrative instabilities, it works towards renegade solidarity that coagulates dissent into insurrection for profound socio-political change.

Related Links:

Full text (PDF) p. 726-729

