The Sewing Circle Method of Working Under Cover
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Panel: Patchwork Panel: Conceptualising Seams that Separate and Stitch Together
This presentation is a means of conceptually examining the sewing circle as under cover method to induce power into an unequal power structure. I will introduce historical as well as artistic predecessors. Historically, the sewing circle seems to have been used disguising power under the cloak of meeting for an ostensibly lesser cause while really discussing important matters. Women have created semi-secret discussion groups, let the men have the formal power, but not formally renounced the power of influence. The sewing society is another example of a covert public realm where women have turned the unpaid time to benefit the community. It is more open in form than the closed circle and is known to have existed in Sweden at least since 1840. Throughout the twentieth century this labour has been professionalised within handicraft associations while lately venturing into relational aesthetics. During the presentation I will exemplify with some of the many contemporary artists who have continued to use the under cover method of the sewing circle as well as the power to transform private household chores into public art.