“The Time of Tactical Media” presented by Domínguez

Session Title:

Mixed (short papers)

Presentation Title:

The Time of Tactical Media

Presentation Subtheme:

Resilient stories



Assuming the premise that what characterizes tactical media is their temporality, the here and now of daily experience, the essay questions the role they could play today. The argument makes a synthetic tour through the history and theory of tactical media from its popularization in the nineties, attending to its decline at the beginning of the 21st century with the rise of the web 2.0, until its disappearance from the dystopian horizon of the current dominant discourses on digital culture, centered on strategies. Paradoxically, social media platforms now seem to be the only ones interested in research on the uses in themselves as advocated by Michel de Certeau. The conclusion proposes to recover the analysis of tactics in its original sense, attending again to the everyday uses of the many and not only the abuses of the few, in order to understand the present of tactical media.

