Time Frames


Session Title:

  • Revolution of the Public Sphere

Presentation Title:

  • Time Frames



  • ‘Time Frames’ will use digital media to comment on two subjects – that of time and memory. Within the parameters of digital technology, time and memory both ‘factual’ and ‘imaginary’ will be explored around issues of race and difference; tracing and tracking stories that network, map and are collected as contemporary references. The work will explore the concept of journeys.

    The most profound effect of the physical journey is the experience of cultural and social difference. While the mental/imaginary journey can be free from anxiety, a utopia where the self and family are constructed into an experience of similarity and the familiar. Using the internet and CD ROM format, the author is interested in looking at the effects and junctures of these acts. How is digital technology effecting our individual and collective knowledge and memory – our cultural specificity? Are alternatives sites and significant shifts of emphasis beginning to the break up the predominance of the myth
    of ‘white, western’ stories as we know them?
