To­wards the Third Cul­ture: In­ter­sec­tions of Arts, Sci­ence, and Tech­nol­ogy


Session Title:

  • Hybrid Cultures

Presentation Title:

  • To­wards the Third Cul­ture: In­ter­sec­tions of Arts, Sci­ence, and Tech­nol­ogy




  • Panel: Hybrid Cultures

    One of the most im­por­tant fac­tors of the hy­brid con­di­tion of con­tem­po­rary arts is the com­plex re­la­tion­ship be­tween arts and sci­ences and tech­nolo­gies. Such re­la­tions de­velop a new con­cept of third cul­ture, not based – as in the the­ory of John Brock­man – on the con­flict be­tween tra­di­tional hu­man­is­tic val­ues and sci­en­tific sys­tems, but on the in­ter­ac­tions be­tween them. I will analyse the de­vel­op­ment of this con­cept, from C. P. Snow’s The­ory of Two Cul­tures,  in re­la­tion­ship to re­cent processes cre­at­ing a new vi­sion of hy­brid cul­ture.
