“Transaction “Trance-actions”: Immersive Prototypes for Extreme Experiences of Ephemeral Values in Flow” presented by Unknown presenters
Presentation Title:
- Transaction “Trance-actions”: Immersive Prototypes for Extreme Experiences of Ephemeral Values in Flow
This presentation introduces motivation, main concepts and practical implementation for the artwork series that map time-sequenced change of multiple values (e.g. financial trading data) in sensorium-intensive real-time “audio-visualization” manner. Although there has been a range of historic and more recent examples of 3D visualization and ‘auditory displays’ of financial or stock data as efforts to enhance professional trading interfaces, this project tries to bridge extremes of unaesthetic usability and “sublime dysfunctionality” within aesthetic experience. This experimental environment is intended as interactive VR/AR installation and/either audiovisual performance interface.