

Session Title:

  • SENSORIUM: Interdisciplinary Practices of Embodiment and Technology

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Janis Jef­feries
    Pre­sen­ters: Ghis­laine Bod­ding­ton, Maria Chatzichristodoulou (aka Maria X) & Anna Du­mitriu

    For this panel we pro­pose to dis­cuss a range of in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary prac­tices of em­bod­i­ment and tech­nol­ogy.

     “Today [the body] and its vis­ceral sur­round­ings are stud­ded with ear­phones, zoom­ing in psy­chophar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, ex­tended with pros­the­ses, daz­zled by odor­less tastes and taste­less odors, trans­ported by new media, and buzzing with ideas”.
    _C. A. Jones, ed., Sen­so­rium: Em­bod­ied Ex­pe­ri­ence, Tech­nol­ogy, and Con­tem­po­rary Art (Cam­bridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006).

    Fol­low­ing Jones’s dis­cus­sion we will ex­plore the ways in which prac­ti­tion­ers and writ­ers ad­dress the phys­i­cal and af­fec­tive as­pects of our in­creas­ing en­gage­ment with tech­nol­ogy, whether through per­for­mance or through en­gage­ment with ro­bots and avatars. What types of sen­so­r­ial ex­pe­ri­ences and in­ti­ma­cies can be ex­plored in which vir­tual and phys­i­cal spaces are in­creas­ingly blurred? Can play, be a part in re­vi­tal­iz­ing our sen­so­r­ial sys­tem? Can these prac­tices offer a time and a space for re­flec­tion on em­bod­ied tech­no­log­i­cal ex­pe­ri­ences? The panel aims to ex­plore per­for­mance prac­tices and con­tem­po­rary cul­tural dis­courses that study in­ti­mate en­coun­ters, ad­dress­ing is­sues around bod­ies of data and flesh, play in en­counter with ro­bots, avatars and phys­i­cal/vir­tual pres­ences- de­sire as em­bod­ied con­di­tion and dis­em­bod­ied fan­tasy, the human and posthu­man self.
