

Session Title:

  • Serendipity is Dead…. Long Live Serendipity

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Mel Woods
    Pre­sen­ters: Geraint Wig­gins, Aleks Kro­to­ski & Clive Gill­man

    Many sci­en­tific and artis­tic in­no­va­tions have been at­trib­uted to serendip­ity, the fac­ulty of mak­ing and recog­nis­ing for­tu­nate and un­ex­pected dis­cov­er­ies by ac­ci­dent. The phe­nom­e­non is widely re­garded across dis­ci­plines as a valu­able way of spark­ing re­search ideas and trig­ger­ing new con­nec­tions. How­ever, while there is a wide­spread un­der­stand­ing that serendip­ity is a major con­trib­u­tor to in­no­va­tion, there is dis­agree­ment as to whether dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies pro­mote or sti­fle serendip­ity. The World­wide Web has al­lowed us to make many pos­i­tive changes in our so­ci­ety and en­vi­ron­ment, for ex­am­ple through so­cial net­work­ing and e-pub­lish­ing, but it also pre­sents prob­lems, by its very na­ture. Re­cently serendip­ity, and the role that the world­wide web and so­cial net­works now play in search query for in­for­ma­tion seek­ing, has re­ceived at­ten­tion from li­brary and in­for­ma­tion sci­ence, psy­chol­ogy, and com­puter sci­ence, art and de­sign. This re­newed in­ter­est and di­a­logue across art and sci­ence seeks to un­der­stand, sup­port and fa­cil­i­tate serendip­ity across dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal en­vi­ron­ments. The panel will ex­plore the no­tion of serendip­ity, from the un­der­stand­ing of its role in art and sci­ence in dig­i­tal do­mains. The de­bate will ex­plore of the so­cial and in­tel­lec­tual na­ture of serendip­i­tous in­ter­ac­tion, with peo­ple and com­put­ers; new de­vel­op­ments in prod­ucts, tech­nolo­gies and prac­tices such as those that are re­defin­ing lit­er­acy and re­shap­ing how we dis­cover, record and in­no­vate; the use and en­hance­ment of Se­man­tic Web tech­nol­ogy; and the role of new media and dig­i­tal arts in trans­form­ing and pre­sent­ing in­for­ma­tion and ideas.
