Session Title:
- Serious Animation: Beyond Art and Entertainment
Presentation Title:
- Untitled
Chair Person: Chris Rowland
Presenters: John Anderson, Caroline Wilkinson, Paul Goodfellow & John McGheeAnimation methods and techniques have evolved in recent years to be accessable to a wider range of creative practitioners than their original design. Creative practice and research have taken methods developed for storytelling and entertainment and retasked them to solve real world problems. Animation methodologies are adapted to support investigations into product visualisation, archaeological reconstruction, architectural visualisation, medical visualisation and many other specialisms. Not restricted to visualising final design solutions prior to production, construction and reproduction, but as an inherent part of the design and investigation process. This panel will explore how a range of creative practitioners have adopted and adapted animation to further their enquiry. Using case studies to explore their aims and methods, the panelists journeys will be described to illuminate their motivations and interdisciplinary approaches. Presenters are drawn from the 3D Visualisation Research Lab at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, The centre for Human Identification at University of Dundee, Gridloop and Northumbria University.