

Session Title:

  • Transmedia Narrative: Modes of Digital Scholarship and Design Across Public Space

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Kristy Kang
    Pre­sen­ters: Rose­mary Comella & An­dreas Kratky

    This panel will pre­sent a body of work by media artists, schol­ars and col­lab­o­ra­tors who com­prise The Labyrinth Pro­ject – a Los An­ge­les based re­search ini­tia­tive on in­ter­ac­tive nar­ra­tive at the Uni­ver­sity of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia’s School of Cin­e­matic Arts. Under the di­rec­tion of cul­tural the­o­rist Mar­sha Kinder since 1997, Labyrinth has been work­ing at the pres­sure point be­tween the­ory and prac­tice. With media artists Rose­mary Comella, Kristy H.A. Kang and Scott Mahoy work­ing as cre­ative di­rec­tors, Labyrinth been pro­duc­ing award-win­ning mul­ti­me­dia pro­jects that jux­ta­pose fic­tional and his­tor­i­cal nar­ra­tive in provoca­tive ways. In the process, Labyrinth has pi­o­neered a new form of dig­i­tal schol­ar­ship com­bin­ing archival cul­tural his­tory and artis­tic prac­tice. Their “data­base doc­u­men­taries” an­i­mate the archive and make his­tory come alive for a wide range of au­di­ences across the pub­lic sphere. Labyrinth de­signs their in­ter­ac­tive works as trans­me­dia net­works—in­stal­la­tions, DVD-ROMs, and web­sites.

    Their pro­jects ap­pear not only in cy­ber­space but also in the net­worked pub­lic spaces of mu­se­ums, sci­ence cen­ters, and other pub­lic venues. Labyrinth’s pro­jects all grow out of broad, multi-tiered col­lab­o­ra­tions with artists, schol­ars, sci­en­tists, stu­dents, archivists, mu­se­ums and cul­tural in­sti­tu­tions. In the process, Labyrinth has de­vel­oped three sig­na­ture gen­res: the dig­i­tal city sym­phony that ex­plores urban space through lay­ers of time; the in­ter­ac­tive mem­oir that probes the net­worked mem­o­ries and lived ex­pe­ri­ence of com­plex in­di­vid­u­als; and in­ter­ac­tive sci­ence ed­u­ca­tion that ex­plores the in­ter­play be­tween bi­ol­ogy and cul­ture and the re­spec­tive rep­re­sen­ta­tion sys­tems of art and sci­ence. Sev­eral of their works com­bine these gen­res. This panel will ex­plore the di­verse ap­proaches and work­ing method­olo­gies for de­sign­ing trans­me­dia nar­ra­tive ex­pe­ri­ences across a va­ri­ety of pub­lic spaces by show­cas­ing se­lected pro­jects from Labyrinth’s reper­toire of in­ter­ac­tive cul­tural his­to­ries and by pre­sent­ing emerg­ing works pro­duced by col­lab­o­ra­tors and mem­bers of the Labyrinth ini­tia­tive.

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