

Session Title:

  • Visual Effects Remixed

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Peter Richard­son
    Pre­sen­ters: Ste­fan Müller Arisona, Steve Gib­son & Chris­t­ian Schnei­der

    Vi­sual ef­fects (VFX) are the var­i­ous com­puter gen­er­ated processes by which im­agery is cre­ated and or ma­nip­u­lated out­side the con­text of a live ac­tion film shoot. Tra­di­tion­ally mov­ing image vi­sual medi­ums in a per­for­ma­tive / gallery con­text have been pri­mar­ily ex­pe­ri­enced as “play­back” medi­ums, in which ma­te­r­ial is fixed in time and is played from be­gin­ning to end. Real-time vi­su­als on the other hand re­quire the in­ter­ven­tion of a per­former or a user. In the case of the VJ or live film­maker, he or she chooses the video clips in real-time, se­lects the op­tions for ef­fects and de­ter­mines the com­posit­ing of im­ages and ef­fects. Re­cently a num­ber of (tra­di­tional) Nar­ra­tive film mak­ers have moved away from struc­tural nar­ra­tive and into the realm of ‘live cin­ema’, remix­ing their films for au­di­ences as a per­for­ma­tive ex­pe­ri­ence. This raises in­ter­est­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties to ex­tend the genre with a per­for­ma­tive art based ap­proach. British di­rec­tors Peter Green­away and Mike Fig­gis in­creas­ingly work with this method. The ‘live cin­ema’ ex­pe­ri­ence is gen­er­ally lim­ited to pre shot or cap­tured vi­su­als which are processed or remixed. As yet few have at­tempted to in­cor­po­rate ‘live’ vi­sual ef­fects as part of this cin­e­matic ex­pe­ri­ence. “VFX Remixed” seeks to stim­u­late de­bate and gen­er­ate the­o­ret­i­cal pro­to­types for live cin­ema ex­pe­ri­ences that uti­lize the tech­nolo­gies of VFX and com­bine to cre­ate a more im­mer­sive cin­e­matic per­for­mance ex­pe­ri­ence. Areas of in­ter­est in­clude au­dio-vi­sual per­for­mance VJ(ing), phys­i­cal and se­ri­ous gam­ing, com­puter-based in­stal­la­tions in­cor­po­rat­ing real-time vi­sual pro­cess­ing.
