

Session Title:

  • Zones of Contact and Fields of Consistency in Electronic Literature

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Davin Heck­man
    Pre­sen­ters: Dene Gri­gar, Anna Gibbs, Maria Angel & Scott Ret­tberg

    This panel will ex­plore the re­la­tion­ship be­tween crit­i­cism and cre­ative prac­tice in elec­tronic lit­er­a­ture.  This dis­cus­sion will dis­cuss the po­ten­tials of and lim­its to lit­er­ary crit­i­cism in the realm of dig­i­tal po­et­ics and nar­ra­tive.  Heck­man’s paper dis­cusses the re­la­tion­ship be­tween speed, lit­er­ary crit­i­cism and folk­son­omy.  Ret­tberg will high­light the ELM­CIP Knowl­edge­base and com­mu­nity-based re­search prac­tices in the field of elec­tronic lit­er­a­ture.  Gri­gar will ad­dress the nar­ra­tive in the age of dig­i­tal media.  And Gibbs and Angel will ex­plore hand­writ­ing as an em­bod­ied praxis link­ing thought with cor­po­re­al­ity through the medium of ges­ture, and its trans­for­ma­tions in text-based new media art. Pan­elists will ad­dress the crit­i­cal value of es­tab­lish­ing con­nec­tions with tra­di­tional lit­er­ary vo­cab­u­lary, both as a method for un­der­stand­ing new media art within lit­er­ary con­texts and as a method of ad­vanc­ing the de­vel­op­ment of new crit­i­cal tools, par­tic­u­larly those that aid the de­vel­op­ment of a world lit­er­a­ture of elec­tronic lit­er­a­ture.
