“Untitled” presented by Garnicnig
Session Title:
- Soundwwwalk Performance Panel
Presentation Title:
- Untitled
Chair Person: Bernhard Garnicnig
Presenters: Bernhard Garnicnig, Ceci Moss, Jamie Allen, Peter Moosgaard, Constant Dullaart, Julian Palacz, Joel Holmberg & Will SchrimshawComputer networks and cities both are social spaces that have emerged as material spaces where lives are lead and work gets done. They are superstructures for communication, networks of channels where information and goods are transferred. Both spaces have their particular acoustic properties and qualities, and while extensive studies of environmental acoustics and the soundscape of our environment have been emerging in the last 40 years, network spaces are still considered to be spaces without sound, acoustics or any sonic properties.
The panel on Soundwwwalks will explore this from multiple perspectives: Investigations towards an Acoustic Ecology of Networks, and web browsers and media stored on the web as interface and material for live sound performance. The invited artists and researchers prepare lecture performances within the standard presentation setup of the conference.
Performances by:
- Bernhard Garnicnig, exploring the transition of the built and “natural” environment to the network space as the defining sonic environment of our lives.
- Ceci Moss, playing a “dense, carefully arranged Soundwwwalk composition using recordings of the human voice found on the web. Beatboxing instructional videos, vocal meditation exercises, online singing lessons will all find their way in this eclectic chorus, one that foregrounds the warmth and dexterity of the human voice”.
- Jamie Allen will perform a soundwwwalk which references and mines the vast functional audio archives of the internet. A sound walk for hardware, through hardware, on hardware.
- As well as improv, remote and tape performances Peter Moosgaard, Constant Dullaart, Julian Palacz, Joel Holmberg and Will Schrimshaw.
PDF Document:
Soundwwwalk: Constant Dullaart from bg on Vimeo.