Urban Cracks: Interstitial Spaces in the City
Session Title:
- Mapping the City and Urban Identity
Presentation Title:
- Urban Cracks: Interstitial Spaces in the City
The growing number of neglected residual spaces are challenging the functioning of our cities. These interstitial spaces fall between the familiar boundaries of urban planning and are often labeled as wastelands, charactized by an apparent void. Urban cracks are conceptualised as in-between time spaces, where different logics meet and conflict.
Within the context of an ongoing interdisciplinary research project, studying the work of artists and social workers acting in urban cracks, this paper focuses on the research trajectory of visual artist Elly Van Eeghem. This research project takes place in Muide-Meulestede-Afrikalaan, a neighbourhood situated in the northern dockland area of Ghent in Belgium. The area is surrounded by water and characterized by harbour activities, residential quarters, heavy traffic, open space, industry and companies. A part of the neighbourhood is currently subject of a large-scale urban renewal project.
Through her practice of video and intervention in public space, Van Eeghem reflects on the role of artists in re-shaping urban cracks and the influence of these spaces in re-thinking artistic practice. Digital maps and audiovisual chronicles create a layered analysis and dynamic narration of our changing urban condition. Inspired by the concept of palimpsest, a layered reading of artistic practice in urban cracks is presented through video, photography and multimedia mapping.