Wet Paint


Session Title:

  • Data Disinformation

Presentation Title:

  • Wet Paint




  • Panel: Data Disinformation

    Bore­dom­re­search ex­plore the nat­ural pro­gres­sion from sta­tic im­agery al­lowed by re­cur­sive tech­nolo­gies which en­able data to re­main liq­uid. The artists Vicky Isley and Paul Smith often think of them­selves as em­ploy­ing com­puter gam­ing tech­nol­ogy to cre­ate land­scape paint­ings and life stud­ies that move. These art­works un­fold in real time en­abling view­ers to be con­tin­u­ally sur­prised by every chang­ing forms and sounds. Using com­pu­ta­tional tech­nol­ogy to ex­plore di­ver­sity bore­dom­re­search often use tech­niques sim­i­lar to those used by sci­en­tists. By sim­u­lat­ing nat­ural pat­terns and be­hav­iours bore­dom­re­search cre­ate new in­tri­cate forms and com­po­si­tions of in­trigue and beauty. In this paper the artists will dis­cuss their com­pu­ta­tional sys­tems which ma­nip­u­late data chunks to pro­duce a di­ver­sity of mov­ing im­ages.

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