Working in the Experimental Forest: The Intimacy of Language


Session Title:

  • Synaptic Scenarios for Ecological Environments

Presentation Title:

  • Working in the Experimental Forest: The Intimacy of Language




  • Panel: Synaptic Scenarios for Ecological Environments

    The miss-presentation and bullying of science by climate skeptics has led many researchers to understand that climate change is not only a scientific and technological challenge, but also a challenge of ethics, aesthetics and communication. Working with researchers at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon, poets, essayists, and philosophers have for several years explored new strategies for Long Term Ecological Reflection that enhance intimacy with place, nature and the desire for a sustainable and meaningful future. This presentation will focus on my work in the experimental forest and advocate for place-based trans-disciplinary practices in science, arts and the humanities.
