“Worried Wings: Eco-media-in-progress” presented by Fröhlich, Grosjean, Scott and Diener

Session Title:

Art Science (short papers)

Presentation Title:

Worried Wings: Eco-media-in-progress

Presentation Subtheme:

Ecologies of place


Water is considered by Indigenous peoples of Australia and Switzerland to be a sacred gift that is critical to their identity and existence, as well as being economically important (2). Worried Wings is a project in progress to create a working prototype for an Alpine freshwater biodiversity experiment. This experiment is an art and science collaboration based on Environmental DNA or eDNA workshops for citizen scientists in Switzerland and Australia and a Virtual Reality installation that serves as a collection point for public engagement. Here the effects of climate change through eDNA display and transmedia stroytelling are exchanged (1). Waste and pond water quality testing is a long, manual process so the workshops will help scientists gather environmental DNAdata (Fig 1). They are also asked to document their experiences. The aims is to raise awareness about biodiversity and how indigenous futures are at stake in each country.

