Preface TRUST Exhibition
Introductory / Welcoming Notes Title:
Introductory / Welcoming Notes Presenter(s):
We are glad to host the exhibition TRUST in the spaces of Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) at Dortmunder U as the pre-opening event of ISEA2010 RUHR. The exhibition contains works by fourteen international artists and deals with the trust that we put in people, in media and in machines out of a desire for security, for entertainment, or for comfort. TRUST is made possible by the generous support of the Kunststiftung NRW, the Art Foundation of North Rhine Westphalia. We are grateful to the Foundation’s general secretary, Regina Wyrwoll, for the confidence and interest that she has given to this project. TRUST takes place in the framework of ISEA2010 RUHR, the 16th edition of the most important conference for media art worldwide, which happens annually, each time in a different part of the world. We can confidently say that we are proud to have brought ISEA to Germany for the first time. The symposium is officially hosted by, an association of different media art institutions in North Rhine Westphalia, which was founded exactly 10 years ago, in October 2000.
ISEA2010 RUHR is a project of the Cultural Capital of Europe, RUHR.2010, and is made possible by funding from RUHR.2010 GmbH, the Minister President of North Rhine Westphalia, and by the City of Dortmund. I would personally like to thank the curators of the TRUST exhibition and their team for the good cooperation which always followed the principle of ‘Control is good, trust is better’. Put your trust in us!