Word of Welcome by RUHR.2010, European Capital of Culture

Introductory / Welcoming Notes Title:

Word of Welcome by RUHR.2010, European Capital of Culture

Introductory / Welcoming Notes Presenter(s):


ISEA2010 RUHR is the most important international festival for electronic arts and we are very pleased that this pioneering project has been successfully brought to Germany’s Ruhr region for the European Cultural Capital year. ISEA2010 RUHR presents current developments in media art and demonstrates that the connection between culture, art and new media is an exciting field of innovation. Particularly with regard to structural change in the Ruhr metropolis, there is a need for such associations as they offer new opportunities. The intersection of culture with areas such as technology, business, and also education and urban development under the keyword “Creative Industries”, is handled by the “european centre for creative economy” (ecce), a RUHR.2010 institute. The aim is to promote exchange between different fields and create synergies. One of the core projects established by the ecce in the Ruhr region is “Kreativ.Quartiere” (Creative Quarters), and for this purpose the Dortmunder U will serve as the main centre for art and creativity – the ISEA2010 RUHR is the kick-off and this year’s highlight
at this important cultural location.
