Diving through a micro forest of the humboldt current


Diving through a micro forest of the humboldt current


The Humboldt Current ecosystem in the Southern Pacific Ocean contains a secret, silent and invisible world of the tiny micro-organisms that live in a contact and intimate relationship with light. Our purpose is to reveal to everybody and accomplished by a collaborative interaction that displays a bridge from the scientific observation, to the experimental visual representation in textile forms coupled with digital light effects. This approach can tell us about the enormous and diverse mode of interactions and interdependence in their microscale. We propose a mode of translation of their minimal modes of life, structures and water landscape to the common human language of senses and visible colours, textures and imagination. This work is about to transmit the experience of being tiny and sensitive enough, to see and start a new kind of the
interaction with light and the invisible.

This is an invitation to immerse ourselves in a drop of water that will travel from the Humboldt Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean to connect and get to know a silent, humble and invisible microforest that generates up to 50% of the oxygen we breathe. Performing various exercises we will experience a dive where our size will be perceived in microns. On this journey we will observe and record through drawing and words all the sensations that appear to finally find ourselves with bioluminescent forms, large-scale felt sculptures sensitive to movement that have been inspired by various observation campaigns in the Humboldt Current.

We propose a mode of translation of their minimal modes of life, structures and water landscape to the common human language of senses and visible colors, textures and imagination. This instance is about feeling the experience of being tiny and sensitive enough, to see and start a new kind of interaction with light and the invisible. To make this trip it is necessary to be open to not knowing anything and to be expectant of what we can find. Drawing and our auditory and visual memory will be our most important recording tools.

