FLOSS+Art with pure:dyne
- FLOSS+Art with pure:dyne
Workshop Statement
This short workshop will give participants a complete overview of the pure:dyne live multimedia GNU/Linux distribution, and discuss its context and community. This will include a whisflestop technical tour of the key applications including the audio and video editing applications Ardour and cinelerra as well as tools such as Pure Data, supercollider and integration witn microcontrollers such as Arduino. Participants will learn how to make their own live bootable pure:dyne USB sticks and how to customize the distribution for their own specific needs. The workshop will also discuss who uses pure:dyne and who it is for – how artists, galleries, production centres, school departments and more are finding pure:dyne useful for making and teaching media art skills in a FLOSS environment.
About pure:dyne pure:dyne is an operating system developed to provide media artists with a complete set of tools for realtime audio and video processing. pure:dyne is a live distribution, you don,t need to install anything. Simply boot your computer using the live CD and you’re ready to start using software such as pure Data, supercollider, Icecast, csound, Fluxus, processing, Arduino and much much more. You can boot pure:dyne from usb stick, CD or DVD. AIl you have to do to get started is download pure:dyne, put it on your preferred medium and boot your computer. without installing anything you,il have the full system at your disposal, including all the software that comes with it. pure:dyne is optimised for use in realtime audio and video processing. Both the system and the software are tuned especially for low latency and high responsiveness. pure:dyne is based on Debian and Debian Multimedia. AII packages provided by pure:dyne can be used if you are running these flavours of GNUilinux. pure:dyne is developed by artists, for artists. our primary users are people like us – media artists who build all kinds of creative proiects, using pure:dyne to do anything from recording and manipulating sound, making live visuals, creating interactive media in installations, and more. We use ‘artist’ as a broad term for anyone who is doing or wants to do something creative using their computer.