Matters of Anticipation
- Matters of Anticipation
experimentation to the participants. These experiments are proposed within the framework of the spatialization of the Cahiers de l ’’Anticipation et de l’Imaginaire, a scientific and cultural publication of the research group Symbiose.
The participatory dimension through the co-construction of multiple imaginaries with all the participants constitutes the dynamic of the workshop. Initially, each student-researcher brings into play their own research, which then becomes a support for experimentation. In a second phase, the feedback from the experiences will allow the creation of new narratives. Three kits will structure this activity: an action-kit (scenarios), a skênê-kit (imaginary) and a capture-kit (archives).
1- The action-kit: the participants equipped with the different matters of experimentation will be invited to wander according to a scenario defined by a card game or a generative system.
2- The skênê-kit: following the retranscription of the spatial and corporal experience, of the sensations and emotions felt, the participants are invited to compose a story turned towards a future imaginary (utopia, dystopia and science-fiction) by relying on the creative methods of the skênê (dramaturgy).
3- The capture kit: the capture tools (audio recording, photos, video, etc.) will make it possible to
collect and index the materials at the origin of these stories. The referencing of the image maps, words and terms, and the samples of materials will allow these experiences to be translated into a landscape,then a support for the narrative to come.The synthesis writing will have the importance of a reflexive text: questioning through the prism of perception the construction of an imaginary on the one hand, and on the other hand, the analysis of the modalities of indexation of the different proposed matters, created within the framework of a research based on the imaginary understood as symbiotic form.
These following matters for experimentation will be proposed in connection with the research
projects: silicone and textile skin grafts by Audrey Brugnoli, mirror objects by Eva Hardy, wood ash materials by Laury Guillien, sound creation based on adolescent words by Lucile Cornet-Richard, Ré-confort objects by Sophie Larger, salt-crystalised objects by Natalia Baudoin.The feedback from the participants in these experiential devices will allow the construction of new narratives from a dramaturgical point of view, with the aim of renewing the representations at work with diversified audiences within the broad framework of the workshop proposed here. Indeed, these stories, of all types (narrative, dramatic, documentary, poetic) will not be intended to illustrate the various research subjects but to create rough edges capable of questioning the users of aforementioned research. Thus, a work of fictional synthesis should make it possible to question scientific and artistic approaches from the point of view of experience on the one hand (of the subjects), thus energizing the fields of application through the practice of research- creation by the symbiotic means of crossed imaginaries, between users and content producers.
The Symbiose group’s research projects focus on contemporary ecological and societal issues in
various areas: housing, health and wellness, crafts and industry, education, work, and mobility.
In conjunction with research through art, research through design forms part of what is a
multidisciplinary, collaborative, and evolutionary approach. Here it is developed through projects that implement a reasonable and sensitive perception of spaces, bodies, objects, and materials, in interaction with user-actors and their living spaces, in symbiosis with the environment. Concerned with a wide variety of scales (space, body, object, material, light, atom), its research involves a large range of skill profiles (designers, artists, engineers, architects, playwrights, sociologists, physicians, anthropologists, etc.).
Activities are divided into three main fields: health, crafts and semi-industrial production and
innovative approaches of education. The aim is to understand how the practical application of
complex materials can lead to a groundbreaking rethink of our society, not as technocentric
futurology, but as a humanist future in symbiosis with the environment.
Les Cahiers d’anticipation et de l’imaginaire allow for the exploration of new methodologies through practice and to experiment with new hypotheses about possible futures based on the results of projects undertaken within the research group.