Ryszard W. Kluszczyn­ski, Ph.D is Pro­fes­sor of Media and Cul­tural Stud­ies at Lodz Uni­ver­sity, Poland, where he is the Head of the De­part­ment of Media and Au­dio­vi­sual Cul­ture.  He is also Pro­fes­sor at the Acad­emy of Fine Arts in Lodz. In the years 1990-2001 Kluszczyn­ski was a chief cu­ra­tor of film, video, and mul­ti­me­dia arts at the Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art in War­saw. He has cu­rated nu­mer­ous in­ter­na­tional art ex­hi­bi­tions.  He was re­cently Cu­ra­tor of the Sec­ond In­ter­na­tional Bi­en­nale of Con­tem­po­rary Art in Poz­nan. He writes about media and mul­ti­me­dia arts, the avant-garde, cy­ber­cul­ture, the the­ory of media and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and the in­for­ma­tion and net­work so­ci­ety. Some of his book pub­li­ca­tions in­clude: In­ter­ac­tive Art. From Art­work-In­stru­ment to In­ter­ac­tive Spec­ta­cle, 2010; In­for­ma­tion So­ci­ety. Cy­ber­cul­ture. Mul­ti­me­dia Arts, 2001 (Sec­ond Edi­tion 2002); Film – Video – Mul­ti­me­dia. Art of the Mov­ing Pic­ture in the Era of Elec­tron­ics, 1999 (Sec­ond Edi­tion 2002); Im­ages at Large. Stud­ies on the His­tory of Media Art in Poland, 1998; Avant-Garde. The­o­ret­i­cal Study, 1997; Film – Art of the Great Avant-Garde, 1990.