Educational forum: ISEA2009, ARS Electronica 2009 and Re:live 2009

Session Title:

Belfast Panels

Presentation Title:

Educational forum: ISEA2009, ARS Electronica 2009 and Re:live 2009


Panel Statement

Broad Goals of the Leonardo Education Forum                                                                                  The Leonardo Education Forum, LEF, is a working branch of the ‘International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, San Francisco. Leonardo ISAST serves the international arts community by promoting and documenting work at the intersection of the arts, sciences, and technology, and by encouraging and stimulating interdisciplinary collaboration.

The Leonardo Education Forum promotes the advancement of artistic research and academic scholarship serving practitioners, scholars, and students who are members of the Leonardo community; LEF provides a platform for collaboration and exchange with other scholarly communities. 

Recent Initiatives                                                                                                                            Currently, a LEF group is working on an international initiative to interrogate the gap between arts, science and technology in education, with a focus on questions such as: ‘Media Art Education in the 21st Century — what can be done? What are the most inspired educational goals for the 21st century?’ Initial focal areas were identified as:

  1. The role of Curricula: Mapping the terrain
  2. The role of Institutions: Institutional / Organizational Capacities and Benchmarks The role of Research in media art & science & technology

culture of research orientation can be seen as a wider trend in the media arts. What kind of new art genres are being developed by artists’ creative use of mixed media technologies, visual culture and communities and what is their impact on education?

New curricula have to be developed, which inform new job profiles of artist researchers and new qualifications. Innovative forms of art practice are being introduced at the intersection of media, arts, science and technology. What are the most effective elements of curricula to educate artists as well as art teachers for the future?

The changing media and art institutions require an interactive debate on new conditions and evaluation criteria for developing new models for institutional networks, which allow implementing the media arts across curricula structures.

In January 2009 a short strategy summary, outlining focus issues and an action plan for a white Raper on policy analysis and planning in media and new media education, was circulated. This was based on international meetings of experts and educators at Mutamorphosis, re:place , ISEA2008 and ARS Electronica 2008. These meetings revealed that, although most of the sub-questions in the identified focal areas overlap to one degree or another, there is also the need to add a discussion in the future of network-centric and intercultural learning methods and processes.

