“REDI” On-line Educational Resources for the Development of Professional Multimedia Skills

Session Title:

UNESCO Session: Teaching

Presentation Title:

“REDI” On-line Educational Resources for the Development of Professional Multimedia Skills



The dynamic growing of the multimedia professional field requires to be prepared to integrate art concepts, with specific contents and with fast changing technologies, so the development of good didactic resources is a requirement to help the process to improve education on this new areas.
Around 1996 the National Ministry of Education in Argentina began to work on new educational profiles. One of the biggest differences between this and previous programs, was the work over the concept of competences based learning. A modular curriculum structure was developed: the Technical Vocational Pahthway in Multimedia Communication.

The “redi” project (“redi”, for recursos didácticos, in Spanish = didactic resources in English) is focused on the development of educational materials for the competences based learning process of multimedia, and related monomedias. At present “redi” educational resources includes capabilities, problematic situations, activities, didactic strategies and contents related to the development of technical competences and artistic skills.

