Ricardo Dal Farra is professor at the Music Department of Concordia University in Montreal, and director of the Electronic Arts Research Centre (CEIArtE) at the National University of Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires. He has been director of Hexagram, Research-Creation Centre for Media Arts and Technology in Canada; national director of the Multimedia Communication program at the Ministry of Education in Argentina; coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage (DOCAM) international research alliance; and UNESCO’s consultant and researcher for the Digi-Arts project.

His music and new media works have been presented in over 40 countries, and there are 20 international editions with recordings of his music. His work has been distinguished by the International Computer Music Association and the International Arts Biennial of San Pablo in Brazil, among others. Dal Farra is an active member of the Editorial Board of Leonardo (MIT Press) and Organised Sound (Cambridge University Press). Dal Farra created the Latin American Electroacoustic Music Archive at the Daniel Langlois Foundation of Montreal, and the Balance-Unbalance project that had recently its third conference at the UNESCO’s designated biosphere in Noosa, Australia.