Ricardo Dal Farra
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
Other Affiliation(s):
- National University of Tres de Febrero (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero) (UNTREF)
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra is a new media/sound artist, educator, com- poser, curator, and historian. He is a music and media arts professor at Concordia University, Canada, and director of the CEIARTE- UNTREF Electronic Arts Research Centre, Argentina. His creative work has been presented in about 40 countries. He is the founder of the Balance-Unbalance and Understanding Visual Music con- ference series and has been a researcher and consultant for UNESCO in France, De Montfort University in the UK, Amauta in Peru, and the National Ministry of Education in Argentina. Dal Farra was the first coordinator of DOCAM, the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage international research alliance. He created the Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection hosted by the Daniel Langlois Foundation. Dal Farra is a member of the Board of ISEA International.
Dr. Dal Farra is professor of electronic arts and music at Concordia University, Canada, and director of the electronic arts center CEIARTE-UNTREF, Argentina. He is Founder of the international symposia Balance-Unbalance (BunB) and Understanding Visual Music (UVM). Dal Farra has been director of Hexagram in Canada, coordinator of the Multimedia Communication national program of the Federal Ministry of Education in Argentina, senior consultant of the Amauta New Media Art Centre of Cusco in Peru, and researcher of UNESCO, France, for its project Digi-Arts. He designed university and high school programs in art-science. Ricardo created the Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection hosted by the Daniel Langlois Foundation, Canada. He is a board member of ISEA International, and of Leonardo (MIT Press), Organised Sound (Cambridge Press), and Artnodes (UOC) editorial boards. With a Ph.D. in Arts, Dal Farra is a composer and artist specialized in transdisciplinary actions with science and emergent technologies.
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra (AR/CA) is a composer and new media artist, educator, historian, and curator working in the intersection of the arts, sciences, and technology. He is a Professor at the Music Department of Concordia University, Canada and founder-director of the Electronic Arts Experimentation and Research Centre – CEIARTE of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina.
He has been researcher and consultant on electroacoustic music and media arts history for UNESCO, France; director of the Hexagram Centre for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, Canada; associated researcher of the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University, in the UK; senior consultant of the Amauta – Andean Media Arts Centre in Cusco, Peru; coordinator of the international research alliance DOCAM – Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage; and director of the Multimedia Communication national program at the Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina.
Dal Farra has presented his sound-art, electroacoustic and visual-music works in more than 40 countries, and recordings of his pieces are published in 23 international editions (including CDs by Computer Music Journal and Leonardo Music Journal, by MIT Press). Among others, he received awards and commissions from the Sao Paulo International Arts Biennale, Brazil; the National Endowment for the Arts, Argentina, the Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, France; the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale of the University of Padua, Italy; and the International Computer Music Association.
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra is a composer and new media artist, associate professor at the Music Department of Concordia University, Canada and director of the Electronic Arts Research Centre (CEIArtE) at UNTREF, Argentina. He has been director of Hexagram, Canada; researcher for UNESCO, France; director of the Multimedia Communication national program at the Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina; coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage – DOCAM international alliance, Canada; and senior consultant of Amauta, the Andean Media Arts Centre in Cusco, Peru. As an electro-acoustic music composer and new media artist his work has been presented in over 40 countries and recordings of his pieces are published in 23 international editions. Funded by The Daniel Langlois Foundation he created the largest collection publicly available of Latin American Electro-acoustic Music. Dal Farra is the founding director of the Balance-Unbalance, “art! ⋈ climate”, EChO, BaDArtE and Understanding Visual Music international projects.
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra, is professor of electroacoustic music and media arts at Concordia University, Canada and director of the Electronic Arts Research Centre (CEIArtE) at the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina. He has been director of Hexagram, the Centre for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, Canada; researcher on electroacoustic music and media arts history for UNESCO, France; director of the Multimedia Communication national program at the Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina; coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage – DOCAM international research alliance, Canada; and senior consultant of Amauta – Andean Media Arts Centre in Cusco, Peru.
As an electroacoustic music composer and new media artist his work has been presented in more than 40 countries and recordings of his pieces are published in +20 international editions (including Computer Music Journal and Leonardo Music Journal by MIT Press). Dr. Dal Farra has received prizes and commissions from the International Computer Music Association and the Sao Paulo International Arts Biennial of Brazil, among others. Funded by The Daniel Langlois Foundation he created the largest collection publicly available of Latin American Electroacoustic Music. Dal Farra started the Balance-Unbalance conference series focusing on how the [media] arts could play an active role in helping to solve our environmental crisis.
Jointly with the humanitarian organization Red Cross Climate Centre he developed the “art! ⋈ climate” worldwide project. He is an active member of several editorial boards: Organised Sound (Cambridge Press), Leonardo/ISAST (MIT Press), Media-N and professional organizations: Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, Earth-to-the-Earth. He is also a member of the International Advisory Committee of ISEA International.
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra, Argentina/Canada, is professor of electroacoustic music and media arts at Concordia University, Canada, and director of the Electronic Arts Research Centre (CEIArtE) at the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina. He has been director of Hexagram, the Centre for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, Canada; researcher on electroacoustic music and media arts history for UNESCO, France; director of the Multimedia Communication national program at the Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina; coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage – DOCAM international research alliance, Canada; and senior consultant of Amauta – Andean Media Arts Centre in Cusco, Peru.
As an electroacoustic music composer and new media artist, his work has been presented in more than 40 countries and recordings of his pieces are published in +20 international editions (including Computer Music Journal and Leonardo Music Journal by MIT Press). Dr. Dal Farra has received prizes and commissions from the International Computer Music Association and the Sao Paulo International Arts Biennial of Brazil, among others. Funded by The Daniel Langlois Foundation he created the largest collection publicly available of Latin American Electroacoustic Music. Dal Farra started the Balance-Unbalance conference series focusing on how the [media] arts could play an active role in helping to solve our environmental crisis.
Jointly with the humanitarian organization Red Cross Climate Centre he developed the “art! ⋈ climate” worldwide project. He is an active member of several editorial boards: Leonardo/ISAST (MIT Press), Organised Sound (Cambridge Press), Media-N, and professional organizations: ISEA International, Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, and Earth-to-the-Earth, among others. He is also a member of the International Advisory Committee of ISEA International.
Ricardo Dal Farra is professor at the Music Department of Concordia University in Montreal, and director of the Electronic Arts Research Centre (CEIArtE) at the National University of Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires. He has been director of Hexagram, Research-Creation Centre for Media Arts and Technology in Canada; national director of the Multimedia Communication program at the Ministry of Education in Argentina; coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage (DOCAM) international research alliance; and UNESCO’s consultant and researcher for the Digi-Arts project.
His music and new media works have been presented in over 40 countries, and there are 20 international editions with recordings of his music. His work has been distinguished by the International Computer Music Association and the International Arts Biennial of San Pablo in Brazil, among others. Dal Farra is an active member of the Editorial Board of Leonardo (MIT Press) and Organised Sound (Cambridge University Press). Dal Farra created the Latin American Electroacoustic Music Archive at the Daniel Langlois Foundation of Montreal, and the Balance-Unbalance project that had recently its third conference at the UNESCO’s designated biosphere in Noosa, Australia.
ISEA 2012
Ricardo Dal Farra, Universidad de Tres de Febrero, Argentina.
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra has been conducting activities in the merging fields of arts, sciences and new technologies as a composer and multimedia artist, researcher, educator, performer and curator focusing mainly on electroacoustic music and new media arts for more than 25 years. Dr. Dal Farra holds a PhD in Etudes et pratiques des arts from Université du Québec à Montréal. He is Associate Professor at the Music Department of Concordia University in Montreal, Canada; Founding Director of Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas – CEIArtE (Electronic Arts Experimenting and Research Centre) at National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina; and Associated Researcher at the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre, De Montfort Univerisity, United Kingdom.
Dal Farra has been national Coordinator of the Multimedia Communication program at the National Ministry of Education and Director of the Estudio de Música Electroacústica (Electroacoustic Music Lab) in Argentina; Senior Consultant for the Amauta – Andean Media Arts Centre in Cusco, Peru; Research/Creation Coordinator of the Hexagram interuniversity consortium and Coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage (DOCAM) international research alliance in Canada. He also has been consultant for organizations such as: The MIT Press in the US, the interuniversity project No2s in Chile; and consultant and researcher at The Daniel Langlois Foundation in Canada and UNESCO (Digi-Arts), France.
His work has been distinguished with grants and commissions by the International Computer Music Association, the International Arts Biennial of San Pablo, Brazil, the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Rostrum of Composers from Argentina, the Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, France, and the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale from the University of Padua in Italy, among others. Dr. Dal Farra’s recent research projects have been focused on documentation and preservation of the electroacoustic music heritage; multimedia communication and educational resources; digital arts resources and virtual communities; as well as composition and media arts creation.
Ricardo Dal Farra (Argentina) Electronic Arts, La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF).
Ricardo Dal Farra was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1957. Composer of electroacoustic, computer, mixed and instrumental music; his works have been played in 30 countries. Consultant on Multimedia at National Ministry of Culture and Education. Music Technology consultant and professor of Multimedia at ORT Technical School. Professor of Acoustic and Electroacoustics at the National Conservatory of Music and Municipal Conservatory of Music of Buenos Aires. Multimedia consultant at IMD. Director of Estudio de Musica Electroacustica.
As a live electronic music performer, he played in festivals like the New Music America (1988), Stockholmsfestivalen For ElektroAkustisk Musik (1989), Composer-to-Composer (1989), Subtropics Music Festival (1991), Muestra International de Musica Electroacustica (1992), National Week of Electroacoustic Music (1994), and Festival Latinoamericano de Musica (1995). Member of the Board of Advisory Editors of the (formerly Interface) Journal of New Music Research (The Netherlands) since 1988, and Leonardo Music Journal (U.S.A.) since 1995. Awards, commissions and grants from: International Computer Music Association (1995), CCRMA of Stanford University (1992) and Rockefeller Foundation (1989,1992, 1994) from U.S.A.; National Endowment for the Arts (1988) and National Rostrum of Composers (1984, 1986, 1992, 1996) from Argentina; Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (1988) of Padova’s University, Italy; Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique of Bourges (1990), France; Fundacao Bienal de Sao Paulo (1989), Brazil.
Last Known Location:
Previous Location(s):
- Caseros, Buenos Aires, AR
Art Jury Member:
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- Title: Art + Digital Culture Public Policy Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Concordia University: ISEA2020 Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):