LEF@ISEA2008: At the Crossroads of Media Arts&Science and Technology: Education in the 21st Century – What is to be done?

Session Title:

Invited Panels

Presentation Title:

LEF@ISEA2008: At the Crossroads of Media Arts&Science and Technology: Education in the 21st Century – What is to be done?


Arts, science, design, technology, computer science and communication studies are key disciplines brought together in contemporary media arts, however relevant technologies develop rapidly and often separately from educational institutions. Consequently, a gap exits between the technological developments and its application in formal education worldwide at academic institutions as well as at middle school level and in hybrid educational scenarios. The LEF@ISEA2008 forum intends to address the diversity of these issues and aims to bring together local and international educational experts to enable a dialogue between artists, educators, technological experts, policy makers and sponsors. The outcome of the summit is a white paper with specific recommendations for educators, educational institutions, policy makers and sponsors to be circulated within six months of ISEA2008.


This forum is organised by Nina Czegledy, Daniela Reimann & Lynn Hughes of the Leonardo Education Forum, Pacific Rim New Media Education Working Group@ISEA2008, Singapore

