Dr. Sana Mur­rani is an ex­per­i­men­tal ar­chi­tect, and cur­rently holds the po­si­tion of Lec­turer in Ar­chi­tec­ture at the Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth, UK. She stud­ied Ar­chi­tec­ture in Bagh­dad Uni­ver­sity School of Ar­chi­tec­ture, grad­u­at­ing in 2000, and ob­tained her mas­ters de­gree from the same school in 2003. She is a mem­ber of the Plan­e­tary Col­legium’s CAiiA-Hub in Ply­mouth, UK where she un­der­took her PhD under the su­per­vi­sion of Roy As­cott (Pres­i­dent of Plan­e­tary Col­legium). Mur­rani has a in­ter­est in ar­chi­tec­tural the­ory of trans­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search par­tic­u­larly ex­per­i­men­tal and in­ter­ac­tive work be­tween the fields of techno­science and art/ar­chi­tec­ture. Her work in­ves­ti­gates the im­pact of im­ple­ment­ing sec­ond-or­der cy­ber­net­ics and in­ter­ac­tive tech­nolo­gies on the cre­ation of tem­po­rary and gen­er­a­tive sit­u­a­tions in ar­chi­tec­ture through ex­plo­rations of de­sign processes de­rived from bi­o­log­i­cal sys­tems, dif­fer­ent media of rep­re­sen­ta­tion and per­cep­tual ex­pe­ri­ences that chal­lenge our con­scious­ness.