“Roger 10-4: Ex­plo­ration of the Body as Space/Sur­face of Trans­mis­sion and Re­cep­tion” presented by Samson


Session Title:

  • Don’t Anthropomorpise Me: Electronic Performance Tools, Automatons and The Vanity Apocalypse

Presentation Title:

  • Roger 10-4: Ex­plo­ration of the Body as Space/Sur­face of Trans­mis­sion and Re­cep­tion




  • Panel: Don’t Anthropomorpise Me: Electronic Performance Tools, Automatons and The Vanity Apocalypse

    Ex­plo­ration of the body as space/sur­face of trans­mis­sion and re­cep­tion. How does our in­ter­ac­tion with our every­day sur­round­ings change if our body be­comes a point of re­cep­tion. With mo­biles, smart­phones, iPads and lap­tops we be­come the cen­tral point of trans­mis­sion and re­cep­tion of elec­tro­mag­netic waves. Our new skins com­posed of these nu­mer­ous gad­gets are con­stantly up­dated and out­dated. The re­sults are known, land­fills of elec­tronic and chem­i­cal waste. Roger 10-4 ex­plores what can hap­pen if we work with the refuse of planned ob­so­les­cence, more specif­i­cally the re­ceiv­ing com­po­nents of those out­dated ob­jects, and re-in­cor­po­rate these com­po­nents into our at­tire; to make elec­tro­mag­netic fre­quency re­ceiv­ing ac­ces­sories.  What hap­pens if we are lis­ten­ing to the waves we trans­mit and re­ceive?
