
Session Title:

New Environmental Art Practices on Landscapes of the Polar Regions; Politics, Emotion and Culture (FARFIELD 1)

Presentation Title:




Chair Per­sons: Judit Her­sko & Lisa E. Bloom
Pre­sen­ters: Jane D. Marsching, Marko Peljhan, Matthew Bie­der­man & Leslie Sharpe

Ques­tions of sub­jec­tiv­ity re­lated to gen­der, race, emo­tion, and per­cep­tion usu­ally do not fac­tor into think­ing about polar cli­mate sci­ence. This panel ex­plores cli­mate change and the en­vi­ron­ment as well as the land­scapes of the polar re­gions and geopol­i­tics in terms of shifts in aware­ness that in­form how we think about, act about, and set pol­icy for deal­ing with these global re­gions. Pol­i­tics, emo­tion and cul­ture are sig­nif­i­cant in­di­ca­tors for un­der­stand­ing the his­tory and pre­sent uses of the Arc­tic and the Antarc­tic, how sci­ence and data gath­ered in these re­gions is per­ceived today, and the re­sult­ing im­pact on prac­ti­cal pol­icy mat­ters re­lated to cli­mate change. This panel is a com­pan­ion panel to Far Field 2 and takes up some of the same is­sues but em­pha­sizes the con­nec­tion to the colo­nial his­to­ries of these re­gions, the tech­no­log­i­cal in­cor­po­ra­tions of tra­di­tional knowl­edge into data, as well as con­tem­po­rary ap­proaches to art about land­scapes that deal with is­sues of pol­i­tics, emo­tion, and cul­ture. The pa­pers dis­cuss con­tem­po­rary art that chal­lenges nor­ma­tive as­sump­tions about art mak­ing-what form it might take, what ef­fects it might have, and how it might in­cor­po­rate as well as be read as data-in ad­di­tion to how it might change our per­cep­tions of the land­scapes of the polar re­gions. Much of the art­work dis­cussed em­bod­ies a re­la­tion­ship to na­ture not as some­thing to be con­quered, trans­formed, or turned to our ad­van­tage, but as a re­la­tional space that makes us think dif­fer­ently about the en­vi­ron­ment, the fos­sil fuel in­dus­try, cap­i­tal­ism and no­tions of ter­ri­tory.

