“Beeyali: Visualising Ecological Interconnection and Acoustic Ecology on Kabi Kabi Country” presented by Barclay, Davis and King


Session Title:

  • Sound (full papers)

Presentation Title:

  • Beeyali: Visualising Ecological Interconnection and Acoustic Ecology on Kabi Kabi Country

Presentation Subtheme:

  • Ecologies of place



  • Beeyali is a First Nations led interdisciplinary exploration of cymatics and ecological reciprocity on Kabi Kabi Country. The project brings together Indigenous knowledge with sound, photography, and environmental sciences, to develop and explore new methods for cymatics to visualise the calls of wildlife to demonstrate ecological interconnection and interdependence in the environment. These visualisations are realised as large-scale projection artworks and aim to foster environmental empathy and a deeper connection to Country for audiences that do not have regular access to ecological experiences. Highlighting the interconnectedness of all living things, Beeyali resonates with the Indigenous concept of the Everywhen, transcending linear time and exploring the temporal and spatial complexities of acoustic ecology. As an artistic and research endeavour, Beeyali not only seeks to raise awareness of ecological interconnection but also serves as a call to action, advocating for community engagement and conservation of biological and cultural diversity through creative practice. This paper explores the theoretical foundations of the project and the vision to expand ecological reciprocity as a creative research method.

