“Designing a Serious Game Utilizing Beaver Behavior for Water Responsibility Education and Communication” presented by Agcal, Thorogood and Dulic

Session Title:

Games for Change (full papers)

Presentation Title:

Designing a Serious Game Utilizing Beaver Behavior for Water Responsibility Education and Communication

Presentation Subtheme:

Ecologies of place


This paper introduces an approach to water responsibility education and communication through the design of a serious game centered around the behaviors of beavers. With a growing global concern for water conservation and responsible usage, innovative methods are necessary to engage and educate diverse audiences. Building upon traditional ecological knowledge and leveraging the captivating characteristics of beavers as ecosystem engineers, this research delves into the development of an interactive game aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of water conservation practices. The game design integrates key aspects of beaver behavior, such as dam construction and habitat management, to simulate real-world scenarios related to water resource and landscape management. By gamifying these concepts, the aim is to promote awareness, inspire responsible water usage, and facilitate meaningful conversations about conservation practices among players. Drawing upon principles of traditional ecological knowledge, education and game design, this study outlines the theoretical framework behind the game’s development. Additionally, the paper discusses the design process, highlighting the challenges, considerations, and strategies employed to create an immersive and educational gaming experience.
