“Escaping Human Experience: An Entry into Otherness Through Wearable Technology” presented by Chen and Flanagan


Session Title:

  • Craft (full papers)

Presentation Title:

  • Escaping Human Experience: An Entry into Otherness Through Wearable Technology

Presentation Subtheme:

  • Ecologies of place



  • This paper presents an argument for observing non-human perspectives for the design of wearable technolo-gy through a form of speculative post-human transcend-ence. The paper proposes Provocative Embodiment, a more-than-human design approach that supports the wearer in imagining the inner experience of non-human entities by intentionally creating and embodying con-flicts between human and non-human perceptions. Artic-ulated as a theoretical framework for understanding non-human perceptions and experiences by combining non-anthropocentric theory and speculative design, an argu-ment is presented for the possibility of humans observ-ing non-human realities through this framework and an accompanied workshop of design activities. The paper concludes with a detailed explanation of the three prin-ciples of Provocative Embodiment providing concrete guidance on how designers may put them into practice. By contributing a new theoretical and practical frame-work that attempts to expand the boundaries of human perception beyond the traditional human-centred per-spective, this research provides us with new lenses and tools for understanding and exploring the reality of the non-human entities that surround us.

