“PoEmotion: Can AI Utilize Chinese Calligraphy to Express Emotion from Poems?” presented by Liu, Wang, Chen, Yan, Li, et al. …


Session Title:

  • Interdisciplinary Innovations (full papers)

Presentation Title:

  • PoEmotion: Can AI Utilize Chinese Calligraphy to Express Emotion from Poems?

Presentation Subtheme:

  • Speculative practices



  • This paper presents PoEmotion, an approach to visualizing emotions in poetry with Chinese calligraphy strokes. Traditional textual emotion analysis often lacks emotional resonance due to its mechanical nature. PoEmotion combines natural language processing with deep learning generative algorithms to create Chinese calligraphy that effectively conveys the emotions in poetry. The created calligraphy represents four fundamental emotions: excitement, anger, sadness, and relaxation, making the visual representation of emotions intuitive and concise. Furthermore, the approach delves into the relationship between time, emotion, and cultural communication. Its goal is to provide a more natural means of communicating emotions through non-verbal mediums to enhance human emotional expression.


