“C.R.E.A.T.E.S., Computer-related Experiments in Art & Technology: Studio University Malaysia Sarawak” presented by Saidon and Rahman


Presentation Title:

  • C.R.E.A.T.E.S., Computer-related Experiments in Art & Technology: Studio University Malaysia Sarawak



  • Institutional Presentation Statement

    -Section 1 : The ‘Real Space’

    Upon general observation, the highly negated space that defines Malaysian art scene is strongly marked by a common chasm between commercial imperatives (that promise financial return) and the need to express genuine, relevant and innovative ideas (that may promise possible disappearance from the local art scene or space). An overview of this space will be the initial focus of the presentation. Major characteristics of the space as well as the defining regional, national and local factors will occupy most of this section. Other than outlining the scenario that leads to the formation of the studios, this section will also include the university’s vision and mission, philosophy, and approach.

    -Section 2 : The Alternative ‘Digital Space’

    This is where the main focus will be given to the Studio’s interest in providing alternative digital space to nurture the spirit of experimentation. The Studio, which is placed under the roof of the Faculty of Creative & Applied Arts, has taken a full commitment in setting-up a highly-equipped I.T.- based (Information Technology) environment for its’ arts programs. The Studio offers courses that compliment the Faculty’s integrated approach toward creative arts, technology and management. Model curriculum that meets the immediate national and regional demands for I.T-literate artists and designers will also be presented together with the challenges and issues related to the design of electronic/ digital-based art courses. Samples of students’ work will be included.

    -Section 3 : The Studio Set-Up

    This section will focus upon the physical and digital structure of the existing studio (and the future upgrade / expansion). Various available platforms or workstations as well as applications (softwares) and the supporting equipment will also be presented. This section will also present the operational structure of the studios which is inclusive of the studio’s roles in providing academic services, engaging in professional projects and consultation, establishing a communication and networking base, formation of a digital resource centre and providing production support to the rest of the University. Samples of the Studio’s portfolio will be presented. See videos.

    -Section 4 : The Future

    This section will outline the Studio’s future planning and operational action-plan.

