

Session Title:

  • 6×6/36: An Artists Book/Exhibition project

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • I Wish You Were Here! is a se­ries of the­matic pro­jects put for­ward by the French-based Col­lec­tif NUNC (Clarisse Bar­diot, An­nick Bu­reaud, Jean-Luc Soret and Cyril Thomas) in an at­tempt to re-ex­am­ine the re­la­tion­ship be­tween print and on­line pub­lish­ing and new ways of ex­hibit­ing art.

    6 X 6 / 36 is the first issue in the I Wish You Were Here! se­ries. It con­sists of 6 note­books and 6 sets of stick­ers de­signed by 36 artists, and in­cludes a total of 144 art­works.

    Both an ex­hi­bi­tion and a pub­li­ca­tion that takes the form of 6 note­books and sets of stick­ers con­tained in a pur­posely de­signed box, 6 X 6 / 36 ex­plores an in­no­v­a­tive and no­madic ap­proach to con­tem­po­rary art. Each note­book is dis­play­ing the cre­ations of 6 artists who share a com­mon theme. Each work is printed on a sticker as a data ma­trix. Thus, the reader can ac­cess the art­work – or in­for­ma­tion about it– on a web­site via his/her smart­phone or a spe­cific ap­pli­ca­tion. 6 X 6 / 36 blurs the bound­ary be­tween print and on­line pub­li­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tion for­mats. The stick­ers can be peeled off and placed in a home or pub­lic place, al­low­ing the user to de­sign his/her own ex­hi­bi­tion.

    6 X 6 / 36 moves away from the tra­di­tional for­mat of the gallery or mu­seum ex­hi­bi­tion to ap­pro­pri­ate urban and pub­lic space, as poster de­sign­ers and graf­fiti artists have long done. It fol­lows the flow of data on the in­ter­net, spread­ing all over the city and reach­ing the most in­con­gru­ous lo­ca­tions. The artist’s sig­na­ture and the motif no longer have any ex­is­ten­tial value; they take sec­ond place to the on­line art­work.

    At ISEA2011 in Is­tan­bul, we are launch­ing the first note­book in the 6 X 6 / 36 se­ries on the theme of mo­bil­ity. The six artists are : Annie Abra­hams, Beat­riz da Costa, Nico­las Fre­spech, Antti Laiti­nen, Al­ber­tine Me­u­nier, Ser­vo­valve.  The pro­ject is pub­lished by Sub­jec­tile.

    Col­lec­tif NUNC:  Cyril Thomas, Jean-Luc Soret, Clarisse Bar­diot, An­nick Bu­reaud. More in­for­ma­tion is avail­able at nunc.com


  • The Col­lec­tif NUNC  has the fi­nan­cial sup­port of the In­sti­tut Français for the pre­sen­ta­tion of the 6 X 6 / 36   – Déplace­ment / Mo­bil­ity  pro­ject at ISEA2011 in Is­tan­bul.
