Designing Wearable Technologies that Evolve with Users in China



  • Designing Wearable Technologies that Evolve with Users in China



  • Workshop Statement 

    Wearable technology has become a ubiquitous tool for tracking steps, measuring heart rates and taking calls n just a few years. But where is it taking us beyond that? The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum to gain more insights about the potential market for wearable technology in China, to inspire attendees on what are the most important design issues for wearable technology, to discuss and identify practical challenges related to designing wearable technologies that can evolve with their future massive customers in China.

    The workshop is designed for students and professionals in the fields of technology, art, design, and engineering. Although anyone with an interest in wearable technology is welcome to join this workshop, we strongly encourage people with an expertise in fashion design, technology in performance arts, and/or wearable technology engineering to sign up.

    Participants are expected to bring the necessary or special equipment with them to the conference. And they should confirm if they are able to bring their hardware, wearable device or demo for demonstration.

    The workshop is designed for students and professionals in the fields of technology, art, design, and engineering. Although anyone with an interest in wearable technology and basic knowledge of electronics is welcome to join.

